The appearance of your smile depends on more than the teeth. The gums play an essential supportive role. They not only help to protect and stabilize the teeth, but these soft tissues can either help or hinder the overall balance and, in turn, the smile’s overall appearance. At the office of Peter O. Cabrera, DDS & Bahareh Sabzehei, DDS, MS, Periodontics and Dental Implants, patients in and around the Chicago, Illinois area with concerns over their “gummy” smiles can benefit from our specialized expertise, which supports effective and safe treatment and the best possible outcomes.
How do you treat smiles that look too gummy?
We understand your concerns. When too many gums are visible in the smile, they can overwhelm your teeth and throw off the balance and harmony associated with optimal aesthetics. Treatment for this concern generally involves a process called “crown lengthening.”
What is “crown lengthening”?
The crown is the white part of the tooth that shows when you smile. So, to restore a balanced appearance, we want to reveal more of this part of each tooth. While we don’t actually “lengthen” the crown, we can make it look that way by using special techniques to expose more of this part of the tooth’s structure.
How is crown lengthening performed?
This process largely involves accessing the excess gums. We remove the overgrowth or diseased tissues, exposing more of the crown. Our specialists can also reshape or recontour the supportive bony/soft tissues as needed.
What can I expect from crown lengthening?
The process is likely far easier than you may think! To ensure your utmost comfort, we first administer a local anesthetic. Once the area is completely numb, we make a series of openings at the gumline. This step separates the soft tissues from the teeth, allowing us to treat the underlying roots and bone.
In some cases, removing a small amount of the gums gets dramatic and exceptional results. In other cases, removing some of the hard tissue (bone) from around the teeth may also be necessary. Reshaping may be done to get the best results. This treatment is ideal for a single tooth or the entire gumline. If you have had previous restorations, we must remove those artificial crowns before treatment. They are applied and secured to your teeth again immediately afterward.
How do I care for my mouth post-treatment?
The healing begins after the sites are cleansed and sterilized and the small openings are closed with sutures! Take prescriptions as needed for comfort. We may also provide you with bacteria-fighting rinses. These products help to minimize the recolonization of harmful bacteria. Since we alter the gums during crown lengthening, you get instant results. When you see more teeth, your smile immediately looks better. Your gums are in proportion with other parts of your mouth. By following any instructions given to you by our team at Peter O. Cabrera, DDS & Bahareh Sabzehei, DDS, MS, Periodontics, and Dental Implants, the gums should be healed in four to six weeks.
To take the first step toward a healthier, more appealing smile, schedule a consultation at our specialist’s office in Chicago, IL, by calling (312) 736-7959 .
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