True to our name, the office of Perio Implant Chicago, provides specialized expertise in rebuilding the damaged tissues that support the teeth. Individuals from across the Chicago, Illinois, area trust our considerable training and experience in rebuilding periodontal tissues, including the gums. And, as needed, we rebuild an entire tooth that has sustained irreparable damage due to decay or gum (periodontal) disease with dental implants. As specialists, Drs. Cabrera and Sabzehei also have the onsite capabilities to provide complex procedures, such as a gingival graft, for the treatment of receding gums.
What is the problem with receding gums?
What is known as gum or gingival recession is the visual manifestation of an underlying set of problems. As gum tissue and underlying bone are lost, the gums pull away from the teeth. As more of the white portion of the tooth (its crown) is exposed, your smile can appear overly “toothy.”
What causes gum recession?
As specialists, we appreciate that receding gums are not due to a single factor. There are many contributors to this common problem, which reportedly affects half of all adults between the ages of 18 and 65. To properly and effectively treat receding gums, we must understand the underlying contributors to this highly visible problem. These factors range from the patient’s unique anatomical characteristics, such as their jaw shape or bone and tissue thickness, to excessive biting forces/behaviors and the presence of progressive periodontal disease. At our specialty center, a diagnosis is never based on the visual appearance of the gums alone.
Actual Patient Results
What is a gingival graft?
Also known as “soft tissue grafting,” this procedure may be recommended to build up recessed gums. In doing so, we can support a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing gum line, as well as correct root exposure. As the gums pull away, the roots of the teeth may become exposed. This complication makes the tooth vulnerable to heightened sensitivity and pain, as well as an infection that can threaten the structural integrity of the affected teeth. The “graft” itself refers to the tissue that is applied to the recessed area to build up the gumline. The process of grafting refers to the actual procedure to apply the graft or tissue.
How is a gingival graft performed?
There are many techniques that may be used to treat receding gums. The specific technique recommended for you depends on factors such as the availability of tissue in your mouth. Depending on your needs and personal characteristics, tissue from your own mouth may be used to rebuild the gums. Or, we can apply tissue from other donor sources to repair gum recession.
At the office of Perio Implant Chicago, we even have access to onsite technologies and capabilities to provide some of the most advanced and tissue-preserving procedures, such as the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique. PST preserves utmost tissues while precisely and effectively augmenting a recessed gumline. Tissue at the site is simply loosened and adjusted to cover the deteriorated areas and exposed root surfaces for a healthier, more balanced smile.
We welcome any additional or specific questions. Call our office in Chicago, IL, today at (312) 736-7959 .
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