TeethXpress Immediate Load Conversion Technique
Confirm that the abutment platforms are free of any debris or soft tissue. Place the multi unit healing caps and hand tighten using the hex driver. Syringe bite registration material into the denture that will be used for the conversion. Place the denture over the multi healing caps and have the patient clothes into light centric occlusion. Once the bite registration material has set, remove the denture. Use an acrylic tool to create small holes through the denture, At each point where an indention was created by the multi unit healing caps, place the titanium copings onto the multi-units using the prosthetic screws and a long 050 hex driver. Hand tighten try in the modified denture to verify the alignment of the holes in the denture and the position of the titanium copings. If they are in alignment, widen the holes and ensure that the titanium copings pass freely through them. A minimum clearance of one millimeter is recommended on all sides of the titanium coping. Modify the height of the titanium copings to ensure that the patient can bite into occlusion. Place a rubber dam over the titanium coping to protect sutures and to block out undercuts. Place cotton into the titanium coping screw channels and cover them with dental wax to prevent acrylic from entering the channel. Place the denture over the titanium copings and syringe flowable acrylic into the holes and around the titanium copings. Allow the patient to bite into light centric occlusion. Once the acrylic is hardened, remove the dental wax and cotton from the Titanium coping screw channels and remove the prosthetic screws. Remove the modified denture and the titanium copings will be picked up within the denture .Add acrylic to any voids around the coping and shorten the posterior cantilever. Remove the denture flange to avoid any contact with the tissue, and smooth any rough or sharp surfaces, to complete the provisional restoration. Place the provisional restoration and torque the prosthetic screws to 15 Newton centimeters. Place a resilient temporary material into the screw access channels, and fill the remainder of the channels with a composite resin

Having our patients come in without a tooth, and being able to use the latest technology, be able to give them a temporary that does not need to come in and out in less than an hour is one of the most rewarding services we provide.
Having to lose a front tooth is a traumatic experience for anyone. We use the latest technology to help give you a tooth in a single appointment, never having to have a temporary that comes in and out.
We take a 3D scan. Merge it with a 3D mold to plan an implant, and design a surgical guide that fits perfectly on your tooth, and lets us precisely place an implant in the perfect position, so we can place a connector, and make a temporary crown right there. So you can leave with a tooth immediately, and a few weeks later have a perfect tooth