Drs. Peter Cabrera and Bahareh Sabzehei see patients on a regular basis who have specific concerns with their oral health. We are periodontal specialists who treat gum disease, perform gum grafts, place implants and work extensively with patients on cosmetic improvements to improve their smiles.
In addition to individuals who want to improve their smile with cosmetic dentistry or address areas of decay, our team also works with patients who have conditions such as chronic dry mouth. Dry mouth is more than just uncomfortable–it can increase a patient’s risk of developing problems such as periodontal disease. Our team at Perio Implant Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, can educate you on the dry mouth causes and risk factors while helping spot dry mouth symptoms and get a proper diagnosis.
What is dry mouth?
Dry mouth is a condition that occurs when there is not enough saliva in the mouth. This can lead to difficulty swallowing, eating, and speaking. It can also cause bad breath and increase a patient’s risk of developing periodontal disease. That is because natural saliva helps in flushing food particles from the mouth. When this doesn’t happen, it can leave behind elements in the mouth that can contribute to bacterial growth. Therefore it is critical to find the cause of dry mouth and discuss possible treatment options with a skilled dental professional who can assist.
What are the benefits of saliva?
Saliva is much more than just a lubricant. It contains enzymes and antibodies that protect against harmful bacteria. This reduces one’s risk of periodontal disease. It also contains genetic material that helps identify the patient’s ancestry as well as the presence of certain diseases.
What are the reasons for dry mouth?
There are many causes of dry mouth for patients to take into consideration. By getting a proper diagnosis from a dentist, patients can determine the cause of their condition. In some cases, treatment may focus on the cause of the problem to resolve the issue. If the cause cannot be avoided, treatment options are discussed. Some of the reasons a patient might develop dry mouth may be due to:
- Certain medications
- Medical conditions such as Sjogren’s Syndrome
- Smoking
- Alcohol consumption
- Dehydration
- Aging process
What are the dangers of dry mouth?
There are several concerns that come about in patients who have chronic dry mouth. These include:
- difficulty swallowing
- difficulty eating
- bad breath (chronic halitosis)
- increased risk of periodontal disease
- increased risk of tooth decay
How can dry mouth be treated?
Some of the ways our team may suggest treating dry mouth include:
- eliminating the cause, if possible
- using specialized dry mouth tablets
- regularly chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva flow
- staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water
The problem with dry mouth
If you are dealing with dry mouth, it is crucial to understand the causes and treatments. Getting a proper diagnosis with Drs. Cabrera and Sabzehei of Chicago, IL, is the first step in finding out more. Call (312) 736-7959 to request an appointment with the team at Perio Implant Chicago, conveniently located at 939 West North Avenue, Suite #700 in Chicago, IL.
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